12 things

I meant to post this on Tuesday, but alas. 12 things Friday it is! 🙂

1. This podcast with Russell Moore and Rainn Wilson (aka Dwight Schrute!) was super insightful.

2. Potty training is in full swing over here! And by that I mean if you ever walk by our house, you will likely find two boys running around naked and peeing in the grass.

3. Josh and I spent memorial day weekend in Wilmington! We stayed at this lovely B&B and had the best time eating, reading, and enjoying uninterrupted conversation. I want to write ten pages about all the good food we ate but instead I will just say this: carnitas tacos from Block Taco, “hipster toast” from Savorez, Boombalatti’s for literally any ice cream they make (I got mint chip + coconut, Josh went for banana pudding), and Bespoke Coffee for cold brew lattes! 

4. We brought two stones to Wilmington with us to symbolize the babies we recently lost, and while we were walking along the riverfront one morning we said a prayer and then tossed the stones in the water. It was so special and something I won’t forget. 

5. These journaling prompts from Shauna Niequist are pure gold. 

6. Making your own salad dressing is one of those things that sounds intimidating, but once you do it you realize you’ve been hoodwinked into buying it from the store all these years. I’ve been loving this recipe and this week I made it to go on a pasta salad!

7. Last Saturday we took the boys to a free kids workshop at Home Depot. They wore little orange aprons and made putting greens and the whole thing was just adorable. (And, of course, pure chaos.)

8. Josh brought up a really good question recently. He asked me, “What do you want the most for our kids?” I thought about it and said that I wanted them to have good character and good relationships (with God, with me, with friends, etc). Clarifying that bigger perspective has actually been really beneficial. Parenting and disciplining young children can feel a bit maddening sometimes. You’re teaching them things that seem so obvious to you—don’t hit your brother, don’t scream directly into my ear when I’m making a phone call, say thank you when someone gives you something. Remembering WHY I am teaching them all these things has been so helpful.

9. I finally got The Artist’s Way and cannot wait to dive into it!

10. Iced coffee season is officially upon us. Enough said. (Actually I will say one more thing: try it with a dash of maple syrup!)

11. These tank tops are so cute + comfortable and only $8!

12. Last week I took the boys to a nearby splash pad and we had a blast. I was reflecting on last summer and how when we went to that very same splash pad, it felt like such a stressful outing. I guess I was just encouraged that I am able to have a lot more fun with my kids these days! In part because they are older, and in part because I am feeling a little braver and a little less anxious in my motherhood. Cheers to that. 

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