OIB trip

Josh and I just got back from spending a few days at Ocean Isle Beach with his side of the family. It was so lovely! Mornings were spent sitting around the table drinking coffee and eating breakfast, and afternoons were passed at the pool and ocean. In the evenings we would relax at the house, go on walks, or play (hilarious) games. Each couple took turns cooking dinner, and Josh and I did a taco bar. We came home last night and today has been all about that post-vaca life: grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry. I actually really enjoy days like today. I have also been loving the weather- sunny and upper 70’s!


While at the beach I spent countless hours on the porch reading Tara Westover’s shocking, compelling memoir Educated. It made me think about a lot of things, but especially about family, and how I get to be part of such a good one. I realized that while life is crazy right now, my family (and best friends that feel like family) are my soft place to land amidst the chaos. So grateful.


Tonight I’m making a new crockpot recipe I’m excited about- honey garlic chicken. I added about 4x the recommended amount of garlic and used ginger honey in place of regular, so suffice to say I have high hopes for this dish! The rest of our week is going to be pretty normal, and I’m hoping we get to see the kids this weekend. Of course there is also the ever-growing “moving to-do list” that needs constant attention to remain in check, but I’m not going to stress about that right now. “Each day has enough trouble of its own,” right? 😉 Enjoy the rest of this week, friends!


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